Friday, March 19, 2010

In The News(Charity cheater jailed )
Reflection: "What a bad hearted women!" I think when I saw this news. How could she cheat people's hard earn money and the people who help to perform? She have everything like hands, legs, eyes and able to hear. She could do alot of things to keep herself full and do things she need, and why does she have to cheat money from the poor, helpless people. Those money people who donate their hard earn money for the helpless people, how could she take their money just because she need it. People in the hospital need it more then she does. What if the people need the money to cure their sickness and without the money they might die or suffer more. Why don't she think of those people and help them intead of cheating their money? If she really need the money then why don't she earn by herself since she have hands and legs to work. People in the hospital can't work even if they want too. I hope that there would not be people like her to cheat money from hospital again.


What are the three technology i cannot live without? They are computer, handphone and facebook.
The first technology i cannot live without is computer. Computer allow you to do alot of things like playing games, search for things that you want and chat with people. Computer is a very useful thing in my life.
The second one is my handphone. I feel uneasy without my handphone beside me. Handphone allow you to contact with people easily even if the people you want to contact is at other country. You can also play games and go internet with a handphone.
The third one is facebook. There is alot of things in facebook like you can play games, chat with friends, contact with people easily, make new friends and alot more.
This three things i name are useful to people. It helps people in one way or another. Most people have these things with them.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Picture Self Introduction

I love pets and some types of animels very much since i was young. Whenever I saw pets or animels, I want to touch them. I want to have the my own pet but my mum don't allow(she dislike animels). I envy those people who have pets at home. Ohh! How much i want to have a pet to my own. I promiss myself to buy a pet for myself when I grow up. I love to go to animal park or the zoo whichever place that have alot of animals.

Friday, January 29, 2010

My Friends

My Friends (we took it after school at the bus stop and on the bus)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Picture Of Me

P6 PSLE Results Day
The first picture was my class in 2008.

The second picture was with my best friend(know each other for 9 years)

The third picture one is with my close friend.

Who Am I?

Hi! My name is Voon Liting. I came from Queenstown Primary School (i miss my primary school very much) and now I am a Hendersonian. I like sports games (except running and doing push up). My hobbies are watching television, playing computer and reading story book. I like to eat all kinds of food. Sometimes, I can make people a little irk. I am good at Chinese and Science. Weak in English and Math. I have alot of favourite website like The Manga Anime, Facebook and alot more. I have a younger sister. She is 10 years old this year. She is very talkative at home but she is very quiet in school.